Promoting Development in Shared River Basins: Tools for Enhancing Transboundary Basin Management

This report was prepared by a team led by Christina Leb and Taylor Henshaw, including Nausheen Iqbal, Irene Rehberger Bescos, Scott Moore, Claudia Sadoff, and Sanjay Pahuja. Case study reports that informed the analysis were authored by Mehmet Altingoz, Suren Gevinian, Melissa McCracken, and Aaron T. Wolf (Kura-Araks Basin); Glen Hearns (Columbia Basin); Vadim Ni (Chu and Talas Basins); Antti Belinskij, Marko Keskinen, and Niko Soininen (Vuoksi Basin); Afonso do Ó (Douro Basin); and Christian Brethaut (Rhône Basin). The water scarcity analysis, which provided the basis for section 1.2 “Water Stress Projections in Transboundary River Basins,” was authored by Paul Glennie, with support from Maija Bertule and Peter Koefoed Bjørnsen. The team thanks the many colleagues who provided support throughout the preparation of the study through generously sharing their expertise, in particular, Jennifer Sara, Pilar Maisterra, Anthony Molle, Nathalie Munzberg, William Young, Eileen Burke, Marcus Wishart, and Anders Jagerskog, who reviewed the report at various stages and provided valuable comments and contributions along the way. This work was made possible by the financial contribution of the World Bank’s Water Partnership Program (WPP)—a multidonor trust fund that promotes water security for inclusive green growth.


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