Including Persons with Disabilities in Water Sector Operations. A Guidance Note

This Guidance Note is a result of collaboration between the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice, the Disability-Inclusive Development Knowledge Silo Breaker, Social Inclusion Global Solutions Group, and Water Global Practice, prepared with financial support from the Water and Sanitation Program. The Guidance Note was prepared by a team led by Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo (Global Disability Advisor, World Bank) with Deepti Samant Raja (Disability and Development Consultant, World Bank) as the principal author and key inputs provided by Lauri Sivonen (Senior Social Development Specialist, World Bank). Valuable contributions were received from Emcet Tas (Young Professional, World Bank) and Dea Widyastuty (Operations Analyst, World Bank). The team acknowledges and thanks peer reviewers Rachel Burton (Disability and World Bank Safeguards Campaign Manager, Bank Information Center), Claire Chase (Economist, World Bank), Louisa Gosling (Quality Programmes Manager, WaterAid), Dan Jones (Advocacy Coordinator, Healthy Start Campaigns, WaterAid), Priya Nath (Equality, Inclusion and Rights Advisor, WaterAid), Rosemary Rop (Water and Sanitation Specialist, World Bank), and Jane Wilbur (Equality, Inclusion and Rights Advisor, WaterAid, currently seconded to London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine). Helpful advice and comments were received from Maitreyi Das (Lead Social Development Specialist, World Bank), Kamila Galeza (Consultant, World Bank), and Pilar Maisterra (Practice Manager, World Bank). Thanks are due to Pascal Saura (Senior Knowledge and Learning Officer, World Bank) and Erin Barrett (Consultant, World Bank), for their guidance and help with the production of this note.


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