Water Management in Israel Key Innovations and Lessons Learned for Water-Scarce Countries

This technical paper focuses on identifying and presenting elements of the Israeli water experience that will be of value to World Bank Group client countries and partners. It examines this experience within the ever-evolving context of climate change, urbanization, and water scarcity. The paper deliberately selected elements of policy and delivery mechanisms that highlight key aspects of water management in Israel and lessons that may be replicable and scalable elsewhere. It is technical in nature and focuses on the best practices of Israel in managing and providing water services. The paper does not purport to present a comprehensive picture and analysis of the Israel water story nor claims to make any representations about the wider political economy associated with water resources management or development in the region. The paper focuses exclusively on the technical innovation and lessons that have arisen and that may be of interest to World Bank clients and member states around the world suffering from increasing water scarcity. The World Bank acknowledges that water issues in the region continue to be a point of contention.


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