Batoka Gorge Hydro-Electric Scheme Zambezi River Authority

ZRA assessed the Batoka Gorge HES using the Preparation stage tool of the Protocol. This was an assisted self-assessment with advice and support for the assessment provided by accredited assessors through a World Bank-supported program ‘Application of the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol in the Zambezi River Basin’. Technical consulting services were provided by the International Hydropower Association (IHA). The program consisted of introductory training, detailed training for the ZRA team, the assessment (including support during interviews and a site visit from accredited assessors), and review of ZRA’s draft report by the accredited assessors. Table 3 provides a summary of the process and the people involved. This was the first application of the Protocol by ZRA. The process involved collection of verbal, visual and documentary evidence to appraise project processes and performance against the Protocol’s Preparation tool scoring criteria. The assessment team conducted interviews in Lusaka, Livingstone, and Kazungula in Zambia, and Victoria Falls and Hwange in Zimbabwe. Interviews covered the views of the developer, employees, local government, and affected communities. For every topic, the assessors sought to interview those with the responsibilities and most direct understanding of the issues.


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